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Monthly Archives: August 2003


Dwayne’s moccasins are soundless on the carpet of Women’s Delicates. This wasn’t the best place to come–they’ll inevitably be drawn here–but he was cut off from Shoes and could not be forced into Electronics.

He sweeps his mane back over one shoulder, listening. His advantage is hearing; shushed giggles are like sirens to him. Theirs are numbers, and the range of their accursed cameras.

Sometimes he wonders if he could avoid all this–shop elsewhere, perhaps, or move where the sport is unknown…

But no. He wears the mullet, and they are the mullet hunters.

There is no other way.


Barnaby’s unfairly cheered by the sight out the hotel window: astounded people scurrying, trying to cover their heads with newspapers. They must think they’re freezing to death. For him, it’s cold, but it’s also the first time he’s felt at home here in Egypt.

It hasn’t been everything they predicted, he thinks. Not everyone’s dead, since the payloads mostly hit the Pacific–sheer statistics, there. They’d fired, but they’d lost their skill at aiming.

It’ll all get worse, soon, sure. Meanwhile, why not enjoy it? It’s a little bit magical, this new clear winter, this vision of snow on the Sphinx.


When Wu was a small child, selling flowers by his mother’s rice stall, he saw a bandit and monk fighting once. The bandit was black-garbed, snarling, and the monk humbly dressed and bald.

The bandit flailed with his hooked sword, but the monk was amazing. He twisted and flipped, and Wu watched him run straight up a wall and fly away. His feet were like blown feathers.

Now, after twenty years of training, Wu has learned what the monk knew, the secret of long leaps, easy flight and running away from the earth.

The secret is this:

It’s really fucking hard.


Her hoodie will be damp forever, she knows, and it’ll smell. Her hair is tickling her freckled face, pale in limp strawberry ringlets.

Leaving. Of course. Kate can’t believe that she’s the only one with him at the station. Where are they? They must exist, nameless hordes of Prettier-Than-Kate, everyone who had him, kissed him, threw him away.

She’s always hated being too young.

The bus is coming. She knows she’ll remember this, suddenly. Pressing the hoodie to her face will bring it back: one moment of desperate clarity, her hand inches from his, the smell of cigarettes and warm rain.


They’re clamoring for him: “Compose! Compose!” Cyrix sighs theatrically–always give them a show–then pulls his Muse out of orbit around him.

The Muse is small, egg-shaped, purple, and it makes an elliptical circuit of his body twice a second on gravity-reflect. There isn’t really any reason for that, but it does add panache.

Cyrix touches the contact and feels himself suffused. Neurons fire randomly in Instant REM, and when he comes up he has it: the seed. The idea.

They hush. He lets them, momentarily, then begins.

“I met a hunchback,” he says softly, “who was also my uncle…”

Mister Duckleford

“It decays,” says Mister Duckleford firmly. “This is provable and inevitable. Entropy is fact, at every level, molecular to galactic.”

Tyson smiles gently. “You fail to understand. Society is already its own form of controlled entropy; the manifestation of styles is a brilliant kind of planned obsolescence.”

Mister Duckleford glowers. “Bollocks. It’s all going to hell, you know it.”

Tyson’s skin is old, sad, liverspotted around his eyes. The eyes are clear and blue. He draws his knees up in the warm, frothy bathwater and considers the yellow rubber toy. How to explain? Mister Duckleford can be such a child sometimes.


When Matt wakes up, the wind is so hard his sleeves are actually slapping him. He notices this first, because his buttons sting. It must be a hurricane, and he’s–scared? That would explain why his stomach feels odd. No, it’s because he’s sideways. But not lying down. The wind is his own passage. His fingers feel cold and stiff as they scrabble across the front of his body. There has to be something there. Is it in the back? The wind is so hard. Is that the–no, surely. Gasping, he tries to reach around, the ripcord, he can’t find


There’s nobody else in the car. Tori can hardly believe this: it’s absolutely silent but for the hum of the road and the sigh of the AC. She looks out the window and sees a man passing her, whom she immediately names Bruno.

“There’s something oddly poetic,” Tori says aloud, “about the way an old motorcyclist’s arm-flab flaps in the highway wind.” She waits a second, then can’t help but giggle. She sneaks another glance at the man’s big tired arms, sunburned on top, pale underneath. This is great! She thinks. I should have made the kids move out years ago!


Jared wants to buy a bed, an enormous one. Emperor-size. God-size. He wants it framed with walnut-dark wood, postered, its sheets all cold satin and deep midnight blue.

There should be only one pillow. This is important, as is the real-candles chandelier. The sheets are important, their chill and their smoothness: they must be neither flat nor rumpled, but lying in a precise, lazy spiral that draws up tight around the center.

And in the center, the most important part of all: he and Luther, curled tight to each other, very small and warm and alone on their vast midnight plain.